Saturday, May 30, 2020

Reasons for Leaving a Job Best Explanation for This Interview Question

Reasons for Leaving a Job Best Explanation for This Interview Question Why did you leave your last job?Why are you leaving your current job?You will always get this question, and its a hard one.Well, Mr. Interviewer. Thats an interesting question. I threw my computer out a seven-story window after re-enacting Fight Club with my boss.Then I got fired! Imagine that.Okay, so you know thats not how you talk about leaving employment.But what if you did get fired and it was ugly?Do you tell the ugly truth?Not to worry. There is a way to answer this common interview question well. And thats without blowing your chances at landing your dream job.This article will show you:What interviewers are getting at when they ask, Why did you leave your last job?How to prepare acceptable reasons for leaving a job - without lying.The best answers for the why did you leave your last job interview question.Want to land more job interviews? Create the perfect resume in our builder:Pick a professional template.Get expert resume tips from recruiters.Edit and download your resume in minutes.Start getting more job offers. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume.Sample resume made with our builder See 20+ templates and create your resume hereOne of our users, Nikos, had this to say:[I used] a nice template I found on Zety. My resume is now one page long, not three. With the same stuff.Create your resume nowAnd if you want to turn every interview into a job offer, get our free checklist: 42 Things You Need To Do Before, During, and After Your Big Interview. Make sure nothing will slip your mind!1What Are They Asking? - Why Interviewers Ask Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?The most obvious reason for asking the why did you leave your last job interview question?To find out if youre a good employee or a bad employee. Thats because this is one of those tricky behavioral interview questions.The employer is checking to see if you:Have a good reason for leaving your job or jobs.Are running away or pursuing a new opportunity.Can leave situations on good terms with others.Value work and have a sense of obligation.Regardless of what may or may not be true, the right answer should always be a combo:First, youre moving on to a better opportunity.RightI quit my job to pursue new opportunities and take a new step in my career.WrongI quit my job because I didnt like it. Thats all. It didnt suit me.Second, you have no hard feelings against your former employer.RightIm leaving my current job to pivot into a different industry. As you can see, I left on good terms with my former employer as he is one of my references.WrongI got fired because I did not get along with my supervisor. We went together like peanut butter and asparagus. She was the asparagus. Obviously.Third, you value work and have a sense of obligation.RightI spent less than a year in my last position because of corporate layoffs. Now, I know that I want to work for a smaller company that is more involved in my local community.WrongI havent quite figured out what I want to do yet. Th ats why Ive been moving around trying things on for size.Now, were not telling you to lie.You should never lie during an interview. But, you should refrain from the following:Badmouthing a former employer - even if they deserve it.Victimizing yourself.Sounding wishy-washy or flakey.For those of you who are making a life or career change, you have nothing to fear. Thats where youll focus in your why did you leave your last job answer. For those of you making large career changes, you may need to provide more of an explanation. For example, your reason for leaving a job can be transitioning from one industry to another.Lets say youre going from marketing to construction. The interviewer is going to ask why you want to make such a big transition.Youll need to come up with clear and concise reasons for wanting to make the change.But for the rest of you, this question will be tough to answer.The why did you leave your last job interview question is harder for:The Career ChangersThe Job H oppersThe Long-term UnemployedRegardless, there are best answers for every type of job seeker.Here are some other ways that an interviewer might phrase the job interview question:Why are you leaving your current job?Why are you looking for a new job?Why are you looking for a new opportunity?They may also ask more direct questions:Why did you leave a particular job?Can you explain your career gap?Why did you leave after two days - weeks - months?Why were you fired?Pro Tip: Do you know the old saying, less is more? Well, that applies here. Keep your answer short, and dont go into detail. And thats especially true if the details are unflattering.Want more best answers to common interview questions? Weve got you covered. Read our guide: Most Common Job Interview Questions and Best Answers (+20 Examples)2How to Prepare Acceptable Reasons for Leaving Your JobLets say that you havent quit your job yet. You were hanging out on LinkedIn one day and happened to see a fantastic job offer. That makes you a passive job seeker.Best Answers for The Passive Job SeekerYoure an ideal candidate. Youre a good employee who sees the open position as a golden opportunity. One so good that you couldnt pass it up even though you already have a job.That means two things:You dont have to think about what to say.You dont have to say anything other than the truth.So what should your answer for the why did you leave your last job interview question be?rightI have spent the last two years building a strong team of marketing professionals. My team has increased sales with our campaigns by 37% over the last fiscal year. But when I saw your offer, I had to take the opportunity. I want to work for a bigger firm with more diverse, iconic marketing projects. Im ready to make that move in my career. And XYZ Company would be the perfect fit. Thats why I would consider leaving my current job.Notice that the candidate highlights an accomplishment. Increased sales by 37%.wrongI love your company. Ive wanted to work for your company since I was a little kid. I used to pretend that I worked for your company even at my current job. So, it makes sense to leave my current job and work for your company for real. Right? I love you guys!Dont go overboard.But how do you prepare an answer if youre not working? The sad fact of the matter is that its easier for someone who already has a job to land another.So, in the end, a best answer for the why did you leave your last job depends on the length and reason of your unemployment.You Got Laid OffThe one perk of getting laid off from a job? It didnt have anything to do with your performance. Companies make layoffs all the time. They merge, reorganize, and lose money.All these things have nothing to do with you as an employee. The bad news is that you lost your job. The good news is that it wasnt your fault.So when you provide a list of reasons for quitting a job, all you have to do is:Briefly mention that you got laid off and why.If other peop le got laid off, say that as well.Explain how you were a good employee.Explain why you think the open position is an excellent opportunity.The key is to practice your answer before the interview, so you dont sound bitter or cynical.You Got FiredHeres the real tough one.Why did you leave your last job? Well, I was fired.And why were you fired?Lets say it was the bad kind of fired. Heres what youll need to do to explain why you left your last job:Dont lie or avoid the question.Speak about what happened in as diplomatic terms as possible.Add what you learned from the experience.Assure the interviewer that you are not a risky candidate.The key is to stay calm and be diplomatic. Also, remember that your new employer might check your answer. You dont want to get terminated again for lying on an application.Youve Been Unemployed (More than 6 Months)When youre unemployed for longer than six months, youre in a spot of trouble. Around two million individuals are long-term unemployed in the US .And the longer youre out of a job, the more unattractive you are for hiring managers. The unemployment merry-go-round is one of those weird, Catch 22 biases that a lot of people have to face.Heres the good news - youre going to the interview! That means youve won half the uphill battle. Now, you have to convince the interviewer that youre not a risky candidate. That your time spent unemployed has nothing to do with you as an employee.Heres what youll need to do to explain why it was so long ago that you left your last job:Avoid lying and victimizing yourself.Focus on the productive things you did while unemployed.Then swing the conversation back around to why youre right for the job.You can always invoke the bad economy argument.Why did you leave your last job? Layoffs. Why the gap of unemployment? No one is hiring. People understand that its hard to find employment in the current economy.Youre a Career ChangerLets say you left your last job because you want to change your career. That could include a change of industry, role, or job.Changing IndustriesFor example, lets say youre a Sales Associate. You want to sell clothes instead of carpets. Youre core skill set still comes into play. Youre still selling something, so you have to explain that youre a great salesperson.Explain why you want to change.Focus on the progress you want to make with your career.Concentrate on the shared skill set.Changing RolesLets say youre a Senior Sales Associate who wants to go back to being a Junior Sales Associate - a role changer. Youll have to explain why you want to move backward. And youll have to explain that its not a problem that youre overqualified.Explain why you want a change - i.e., a better work-life balance.Reassure the interviewer that being overqualified is not a risk.Changing JobsNow, lets say that youre a Sales Associate who wants to be a beekeeper. An extreme career change is going to be the hardest to explain.Your love of bees is not the best why did you lea ve your last job answer. You have to convince the interviewer that you know what youre doing and that youre qualified for the position.Explain why you want the change.Explain why your skill set still matches the job requirements.The good news is that you have the one of the best reasons for leaving a job. The bad news is that it might be difficult to sell yourself in extreme circumstances. But if you prepare in advance, you should be convincing.Youre a Chronic Job HopperChronic job hopping is leaving employment after short periods of time. And no, its not only a Millennial thing.If youre a job hopper, you may have to talk about several jobs instead of answering why did you leave your last job.If youve spent less than a year at a job, the interviewer is going to ask about it.Lets say youve done that several times. Well, that raises red flags for future employers. How do they know that youre going to stay?Youre not only a warm body thats going to fill an empty chair. No, youre an inve stment.Acording to our HR statistics report, it can cost an employer from six to nine months of your salary to find and train your replacement. So, your job is to convince the interviewer that youre either not risky or worth the risk.So, heres what you have to do to provide the best answer:Try to focus on the fact that you felt every change was positive for your career.Then explain that youre either a pro at what you do or that the open position is your dream job.Pro Tip: If youre a stay-at-home parent who took time off to raise children - say that! The same applies for those taking care of ailing family members.The six-year gap you see on my resume was the time I took off from my career to raise my daughter. Now, shes starting kindergarten, and Im ready to go back to work.Thats a full-time job! And hiring managers arent going to look down on you for that.Plus, dont forget to mention the many productive things you did during that time. Whether its the PTA, volunteer work, or freelan ce work all those things take skills and hard work. So mention them!Struggling to answer those tough behavioral interview questions? Check out our guide on the STAR interview method or view all our helpful interviewing tips.You can also bring up your hobbies and interests at an interview. Its a good way to break the ice. Find out more: +20 Best Examples of Hobbies Interests to Put on a Resume (5 Tips)3Best Answers for the Why Did You Leave Your Last Job Interview QuestionsLaid Off - The Best Why Did You Leave Your Last Job AnswerrightThe reason why I left my previous job had to do with layoffs. I worked for XYZ Company for less than a year when it merged with a larger company. I was declared redundant after the merger as I had a more senior counterpart at the parent company. While I worked at XYZ, I learned how to make short videos for marketing purposes. I was trained to use video editing software and recording equipment. I realized how much I enjoy such work. So, thats why Ive ap plied for the Video Marketing position with your company.The candidate uses neutral language without placing blame on the company. She also does not go into gory details about how she was selected to get the boot.The candidate also placed emphasis on her relevant skill set.wrongAfter many years of loyal and dedicated work, I was thrown out of my last job. I was thrown out like Cat in Breakfast at Tiffanys. Just tossed like a cheeseburger wrapper out of a moving cars window. I worked there for ten years. Ten years! Oh, the horror. Its like a bad breakup. Its like hearing Mr. Darcy went for that terrible other woman, whats her name? Oh, who cares. You dont. I dont. Its the fact that he went for her and not me thats important.Its normal to feel decimated after losing a job. If you feel like your world has turned upside down, consider taking some time for yourself. If thats not an option, its best to try to get the anger and grief out before your interview.Fired or Terminated - The Best Why Did You Leave Your Last Job AnswerrightThe startup that I worked for didnt achieve the level of growth they expected within the first year. The owner hired project managers for IT and Content to try to diagnose the problem. The IT project manager decided the problem was the front end design of our website. Instead of changing the design, the PM suggested the owner clean house and start from scratch. It was my second job. I worked in a corporation first and wanted to try working in a startup instead. What Ive learned is that the startup environment is fast-paced and ever-changing. You can be in fashion one day - MySpace and MSN Chat. And replaced the next - Facebook. The important thing is to stay quick on your feet. That very same design work landed me my next job!As you can see, the candidate gives a diplomatic, positive answer. She then states what she learned from the experience.wrongMy boss accused me of stealing. But I wasnt stealing. It was Miranda who had the sticky fing ers. But my boss had a thing for Miranda. So, I got fired for stealing. What I learned is that it doesnt matter what you do. Life isnt fair.This answer raises red flags across the board. Was she stealing? She says she wasnt. But someone thought she was. Shes at the very least placing the blame on someone else and bitter.Unemployed (More than 6 Months) - The Best Why Did You Leave Your Last Job AnswerrightThe reason for leaving my job seven years ago had to do with downsizing. I took the opportunity to start my family, and have spent the last five years raising my daughter. During that time, I also ran a small online shop where I sell furniture that I refurbish in my free time. I also sell furniture on Etsy and Ebay. The experience has taught me a lot! I now have a practical skill set for working on furniture. Plus, I know a lot about online marketing, sales, and customer service. I also run a blog for my site and get around 1,000 unique visitors a day.The candidate briefly answers t he why did you leave your last job interview question by mentioning downsizing. He doesnt into details. Instead, he moves on to what hes been up to as a stay-at-home dad.Next, he follows up by talking about how hes stayed productive. Now, you dont have to run an online business. You could always talk about the skill set you picked up raising a child.Finally, he describes his new skill set a little bit before quoting a number. Numbers are a good way to illustrate your success.wrongI left my last job after the company folded. Ive been on unemployment for the last two years. Unfortunately, no one seems to be hiring. I havent done much in the interim except for spending time with my kids and playing Flowerville on Facebook. But, I feel like I deserved the vacation. Ive worked most of my life, and this was the first time Id ever had a decent break.Its best to avoid telling the interviewer that youve been doing nothing for the last two years. Even if its true. You did not sit around watch ing Judge Judy while eating Cheetos until your fingers turned orange. No, you were a productive member of society and stuff.Career Changer - The Best Why Did You Leave Your Last Job AnswerrightI have decided to leave my current job because I am passionate about cooking. Being an accountant has paid the bills for half a decade. But now, I want to cook. I want to be on my feet in a fast-paced, demanding environment instead of chained to a desk. As you can see on my resume, Ive prepared for my career transition by finishing culinary school. I also obtained the proper certifications. I also have a lot of skills that will translate from my career as an accountant. Accounting has taught me to pay attention to detail and to focus. I also have exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills.The candidate points out how he has prepared for the job transition. He also draws attention to the skills that will translate from his past job to his future job.wrongI quit my job because it was too demanding. I was burnt out and the pressure was too much for me. I want to go back to the days when all I had to do was data entry. Im not cut out for management. I know that Im overqualified. But I prefer doing the grunt work.Its not a good idea to go into details here. An explanation like this might raise concerns for the interviewer. Is she lazy? Can she not rise to a challenge?Instead, focus on how you want to achieve a better work-life balance. Explain that you prefer the type of work that you were doing before your promotion.Chronic Job Hopper - The Best Why Did You Leave Your Last Job AnswerrightAs you can see on my resume, I left my second-to-last job after three months. I got the opportunity to take a management position in another company. I wanted to take the next step in my career. I want to leave my current position because Ive maxed out my growth possibilities. With your company, I would have the opportunity to grow and learn. I see this position as the potential sweet spot in my career. Your training programs and career paths are exactly what I need to keep my career on track.Here the candidate has left her last two jobs after a short period. But she focuses on the steps shes taking to progress her career. Thats admirable.She also mentions that the open position is one that she can see herself in for awhile. She explains how the position has what the others didnt.wrongIm not going to lie to you. I have itchy feet. Im looking for that position that feels just right, and I still dont know what thats going to be. I also have wanderlust. I love to travel. So, Ive left jobs before to take trips. But thats why I feel this position is perfect. As a travel blogger, the thing that drove me away from jobs before would keep me at work. Its a perfect solution.Dont. Red flags everywhere. Here we have a clear example of a candidate that sounds wishy-washy and flakey.Employers want to hire employees who want the job and are going to stay. Dont give the impress ion that you would do otherwise.Now that youve aced your interview, whats next? Time to send a thank you email to the interviewer. Heres how: How to Write a Thank You Email After an Interview(+10 Examples)Bonus: Download FREE step-by-step checklist of things to do before an interview. Things You Need To Do Before Your Big Interview.Key TakeawayYes, the why did you leave your last job interview question is tricky.The solution?Practice, practice, practice. Know what youre going to say before your interview. Preparation is the key to talking through even the worst reasons for leaving your job.Avoid lying and victimizing yourself, instead focusingon the productive things you did while unemployed.Then swing the conversation back around to why youre right for the job.Still not sure how to tell an interviewer your reasons for quitting a job? We can help! Leave us a comment, and we will help you find an appropriate way to talk about your last job before you land your new one.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Rings The Thing! How To Find Your Perfect Engagement Ring

The Rings The Thing! How To Find Your Perfect Engagement Ring So youve found that perfect person and youre pretty positive that youre both ready to pop the question. Congratulations! Well, if thats the case then theres only one thing you really need to worry about: the ring. After all, if youre going to be wearing the thing on your finger for the rest of your life, then you want it to be something that you actually like, right? Well, in order to help you find the perfect ring for you, here are a couple of things that you should consider before your partner gets down on one knee. The stone Lets start with the most obvious and important thing. What is an engagement ring without a diamond? Well, there are probably a lot of people who have gotten engaged without a diamond ring but lets be honest, its traditional for a reason! You might just think that a diamond is a diamond no matter what, but thats far from the case. Diamonds come in all different colors and different cuts. If you cant find a ring with a stone that you really love then you can buy loose diamonds and have them fitted specially to a band. That way you get something totally unique and well as utterly beautiful! The band Most of the time people tend not to give much thought to the band itself with their engagement rings. Unlike a wedding ring, youre often so distracted by how beautiful the stone is that you dont really notice the band. However, there are plenty of things that you can do with it in order to make it just a little bit more interesting. Sure, you can go with something traditional if you want an elegant, refined look. Or perhaps youd rather mix it up with a plaited band that adds a bit more visual interest. Remember to think about the stone at the same time when choosing a band. After all, a huge stone on a tiny band is going to look a little bit odd, whereas a thicker band is going to end up dwarfing a smaller stone. Also, make sure that you get it properly sized before anyone pops the question! The last thing you want is for the most romantic moment of your life to be ruined by the think getting stuck halfway onto your finger. The style There a whole bunch of different of ways in which you can style your engagement ring beyond just thinking about the size of the diamond and the thickness of the band. Think about the cut of the diamond. Do you want it teardrop shaped, oval, or a more traditional circle? Do you want a single large stone or a group of smaller stones that go all the way across the length of the band? There are so many different options out there that just about anyone, no matter what your tastes are, can almost certainly find a ring thats absolutely perfect and will have you saying yes for sure!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

3 Most Stressful Careers How Some Women Cope

3 Most Stressful Careers How Some Women Cope Career stress is caused by a variety of factors, like night shifts, dangerous conditions, public scrutiny and tight deadlines, to mention a few. And some women endure the stress more frequently than others. The burdens of juggling children, parents and career add  to the workplace stress experienced by professional women. The list of most stressful jobs of 2016 by CareerCast revealed that the most stressful careers in the U.S. are the ones that put lives of staffers on the line day in and day out. Women with taxing careers have little control over their busy days, and sometimes take desperate measures to cope. Below is the list of 3 most stressful careers. Event Coordinator In event coordination and planning, female professionals don’t have the luxury of a second opportunity. Clients want it right the first time, so it should be executed well in the first attempt. There’s no turning back. The event coordinator’s shoulders bear tons of responsibility and there is always a chance of something going awry regardless of the amount of energy and effort they put into preparation. To cope with all that work-related stress, some women turn to substance abuse. They consider it an escape valve, assuming that they’ll stave off depression for just long enough. However, substance abuse causes mental and physical problems in the long run, leading to greater stress. Treatment centers that provide rehab for women can help such professionals return to a healthy lifestyle so that they can feel engaged and fulfilled on both a professional and personal level. Because substance abuse can cause individuals to spiral until their careers unravel, the option of customized treatment is important for addicted females to restore their lives. Air Hostess Air hostesses are often caught up in irregular schedules, weekends and nights. A British Airways air hostess once revealed that working conditions inside the cabin are dire.  In some cases, it has driven cabin staff to nervous breakdowns, and even suicides. Staff often become jet-lagged and tired, sometimes to an extent that their immunity drops really low. They get depression, flu, stress, illness, you name it. Some even spend sleepless weeks because of different time zones. To cope with stress, some air hostesses turn to alcoholism. The continuous availability of alcohol within and outside the cabin makes them vulnerable to addiction.  They search for a corner that keeps them away from the stresses of work. However, they damage their physical and mental health in the process, risking their own safety as well as the safety of passengers. Such professionals should receive treatment and skill-building training at rehab centers to overcome addictive habits. Firefighter Female firefighters top the list when it comes to having the most stressful career. They face an onslaught of continuous harrowing events and trauma. Suicide incidents, automobile blasts, collapsed buildings, and even attempts by terrorists bring  adversity in their lives repeatedly. Also, horrific experiences become a part of their lives as they get exposed to intense human emotion on a daily basis. As a result, they sometimes develop post-traumatic stress disorder. Some traumatic events can cause  them to engage in drug usage as they seek for a way to get the bad experiences out of their heads. However, trauma combined with drug abuse has a negative impact on their careers. Some lose focus  and therefore risk their own lives as well as the lives of citizens who get trapped in dramatic situations. The good news is there are treatment facilities all over the country.  They can provide comprehensive care for females who suffered adult trauma. Firefighters, air hostesses, event coordinators, and others can benefit from such options to restore their professional focus. Images  Main     Event Coord     firefighter

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Interview Psychological Tips

Interview Psychological Tips High qualification and competency are certainly important when it comes to an interview, but the mental status of the candidate can quickly determine whether he/she can be hired or not. When going for the interview, a graduate should think and believe he/she is going to be hired based on their academic skills and past industrial experience gained from internship and any other programs offered by the institution to expose them to the industry? According to website where you can order essays, the interviewee should act confident and composed throughout even if they are not. How one presents themselves at the interview has more weight compared to the interview content itself. It is important to mirror the interviewer to appear trustworthy, likable and empathetic. This can be done by matching body language, posture, tone, vocal pitch and gestures among other non-verbal communication skills. It is fundamental for the interviewee to remember and address the interviewer by their name. It creates a good impression and has excellent connection to the person conducting the interview. Use flattery to create consistent feelings that can affect the interview outcome by asking questions like “How has the company managed to beat the fierce competitors in this technology era?” It is important to emphasize on key points by repeating some things like personal skills. Every company looks for professionals who are ambitious and visionary; therefore, let the interviewer know you goals in life and professional expectations. If asked about the salary you expect to be paid, quote a higher amount than you know you can be offered. Studies reveal that quoting a higher salary can increase chances of being given about 10% more.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

What Things Should You Research Prior to Writing a Resume?

What Things Should You Research Prior to Writing a Resume?Most people don't consider what things should they research prior to writing a resume. In fact, most people are under the impression that they are at liberty to just go ahead and write the resume they like without any regard for things that should be included in the resume. Well, not so fast there. As a matter of fact, some things should be put into consideration by the writer.Prior to writing a resume, it is always advisable to learn about the basics of resume writing, and how to actually write a resume. As a matter of fact, when you know the basic of resume writing, you will get to know how to structure your resume, and what things should be included in it. As a matter of fact, knowing how to structure a resume is as important as knowing how to write a resume. This is because a person who knows how to structure a resume will be able to make his resume stand out from others.When it comes to what things should you research pri or to writing a resume, the first thing that should be considered is the kind of person you are. Yes, this is a rather obvious statement. The first thing that should be learned is that you should try to find out the traits of the person whom you want to hire. As a matter of fact, knowing the traits of the person will enable you to come up with the resume that you need to write.Another thing that should be taken into consideration when you are writing a resume is the experiences you have had during your employment. Yes, this is something that you need to think about before writing a resume. This is because you should know whether or not you have acquired the experience you need to be employed.Another thing that should be considered prior to writing a resume is the location where you reside. As a matter of fact, if you know where you will be applying for a job, you should also know where you are going to apply for a job. This is because the placement company may also request you to li st where you intend to live.Last but not the least, you should be sure to make the case that you are qualified when you write a resume. Yes, you heard me right. You should also make the case that you are qualified when you are trying to write a resume. By doing this, you will ensure that you get the job and the salary you deserve.Prior to writing a resume, you should also be able to do a web search for samples of resumes. This is so you can be sure that your resume will actually stand out from others. This is because you can always change your resume whenever you like.As a matter of fact, when you know the basic of resume writing, you will be able to write a resume that will be recognized by the person whom you are trying to hire. Once you get used to writing a resume, you will be able to take care of everything else that has to be done in the job hunt.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Job Search Help Is Everywhere

Job Search Help Is Everywhere I am so glad to see so many different resources to help those looking for a job.   Unfortunately, I fear, many job seekers dont know about these resources.   Please, share this with those you know. If you dont really enjoy reading and would prefer to hear and see recommendations of best practices from career experts around the country seek out podcasts or shows on Blog Talk Radio. Perhaps you are one of those on the go and dont have time to sit and watch, you can download this .mp3 and get your interviewing advice:   Maybe you prefer books to blogs.   Are you looking for a good read on networking?   Read Spin Strategys review: The New Must Have Networking Tool There are those that learn best in an structured environment.  There are always free and paid webinars being offered by national and local career experts! What    a wonderful resource for those wanting to learn on-line: You owe it to yourself to invest in you.   As you know, job search is tough today.   It is going to take more than a slick resume.   You owe it to yourself to arm yourself with new tools and knowledge to make your job search more productive. If you would like to subscribe to my blog, I will never spam you.   My daily blog post will be sent to your email box each morning.   Just enter your email in the box under to receive posts via email.   You can un-subscribe at any time.   For those who prefer using a reader, such as google, click on the orange feed button to the  right on my website.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Success Tips for Landing A First Job Out of College

Success Tips for Landing A First Job Out of College Are you or someone you know about to transition from being a student to being a working professional? No need to wing it and hope things go smoothly. In this episode, youll hear tips and advice from a recent college graduate whos already made this transition successfully.Hear effective methods for landing your first job including how to set yourself up for success with a well-written resume and cover letter as well what to expect with todays interview techniques.For those at any stage of career, youll hear a career tip with specific strategies for conveying experience and passion on your resume and the secret to getting noticed for work you love. For the full article referenced in the tip, click here: How to Write a Resume that Gets Noticed: Yes, Its Possible!Also in this episode I reference the importance of knowing how to be your own boss as you may be in a contract role at some point in your career. Check out my podcast on the Future of Work to learn more about the trends towards greater numbers of contract positions.Lastly, tune in to hear sage advice from commencement speeches given by Jim Carey and Bono of U2. Whether youll soon be a college graduate or its been a few years since you got your degree, its not too late to make a great living!Check out this episode!